Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Basic Bowling

By Mark J Montgomery

This is an article you will want to read if you have an interest in the sport of bowling. Many people regard bowling as a recreational activity and it certainly is that. However, what many people do not realize is that bowling requires skills and agility. While the vast majority of people bowl for leisure there are many of those who also consider it a competitive sport. This is why there are so many selections in bowling shoes, bowling balls, and bowling accessories. There are some who even consider many of the bowling shoes available to be a fashion statement. My own daughter thought I was really cool when she found out I owned a pair of bowling shoes. She told me I should wear them to just knock around in.

As for the skills and agility required; Most people realize the objective of the game is to roll a ball that weighs anywhere from 8 - 16 pounds down a 42" wide by 16' / 10-3/16" long wooden or synthetic path, also known as a lane, and knock over 10 standing pins. While this seems simple enough, the combined and timed activities required to accomplish this task perfectly are very challenging. 13 strikes in a row (a strike is knocking down all pins on one roll of the ball) is a perfect game when done from 1st frame through the 10th. The total score of performing this perfection is 300. Doing this is about equal to the task of a hole in one in golf. It is not an impossible task to bowl a perfect game of 300 but it is very difficult. Lets take a look at the basic skills involved.

Approach - You must have a smooth and timed approach. Too quick to the line and the ball trails causing you to foul or drop the ball before you are ready to release. Too slow on the approach and the ball can jerk out of your hand in an uncontrolled release and you have lost control over the path of the ball down the lane.

Swing - The timing of the swing of your arm must be in relation to the approach. If your swing is not in time with your approach the entire process becomes very cumbersome. Too far back on your swing and the ball may roll uncontrollably down the lane. Not far enough back on your swing and there is no power in the ball and it leaves pins standing.

Knowledge of the lane conditions - Is the lane dry or oily? Dry lanes can cause your ball to grip the lane more quickly and put more curve on the roll than you want. Consequently, an oily lane can keep your ball from curving enough.

Equipment Knowledge - Are you using a hard ball or a soft ball? If your lane is oily it might be better for you to use a soft ball for more lane grip. If the lane is dry you might need to use a harder ball that would naturally have less tendency to adhere to the friction of the drier lane.

There are many other factors that go into the sport of bowling but once these basic skills have been mastered, you can advance to the next level in bowling. One of the areas you can find great bowling shoes, bowling balls, and bowling accessories is at the website known as

Mark Montgomery is an avid bowler and has bowled since being introduced to the sport of bowling in a junior high school P.E. class. Mark has continued his love for the sport of bowling throughout his life and enjoys teaching others the fun and competitiveness of the game! Mark recently put up a website where others can find the greatest selection of bowling shoes, bowling balls, and bowling accessories at
